Tuesday, March 20, 2012

For Brian and Wendy

Hello, I haven't posted in well over a year as my friends Brian and Wendy pointed out, so I will post one for them. Before I go into this blog post, I think it is important that I figure out what is a blog and why I do it. A blog is essentially an online diary. You share it with people, so its not really a diary, because you never want anyone to read a diary. So what is it? I guess just a log of what is going on in your life. Alright, well this is what is going on:

1. I tried to sell my jeep again, didn't really work out. So now I am thinking about keeping it. I will need to do work on it, so it will probably cost me some money this summer. I was given another car, so I don't know what I am going to do about that......

2. I got really sick last week, some thing was wrong with my stomach... something very very very wrong. I don't want to get into the gross details, but diarrhea was a large part of my life for a good week. It was the worst last Tuesday. I had to go home from work because I literally had to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Miriah was worried about me and said I should go to the doctor. Me, being a man, declined and said I would be fine. Well, a week later, and I am fine. Thank goodness. My friend Brian just ran 100 miles, setting a personal record. Well, I set my own personal record last Tuesday when I went to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Now, I cannot be sure exactly how many times I went in a 24 hour period, but I can tell you I stopped counting at around 15. I would say it was more like 20.

3. Now on to something less gross. I still have braces, they hurt because I complained to the orthodontist that my teeth were not moving fast enough. He said "Oh, well I can take care of that. But it will hurt" I said fine, because I am a man and I can take pain. So for the last 3 days or so I have been complaining like a baby that my teeth hurt. We had a suprise birthday party for David Easaw and all I could do the whole time is complain because the pizza hurt my teeth.

4. No ladies in my life... not yet. At church I made a horrible mistake and while I was making announcements made myself look foolish. Christine started this great new program where parents bring their kids to the Calvary house every other saturday and drop them off for a few hours. THis allows the parents to go have a date night. The parents switch off who watches all the kids. Anyways, I am making an announcement about it and I foolishly say something along the lines of "Parents drop off their kids and then can go on a date night, or whatever it is that couples do" This implied that I didn't know what couples do, then the whole church goes "Ahhh" I probably got pretty red.

5. Joined a volleyball team. I am on Tim and Chris' team. I must say it is pretty fun, even though I do not believe myself to be very good. I do think I am getting better. Volleyball is just plain fun.

6. Applied for a couple new jobs. I am looking to move up at work. I had an interview last week, I thought it went pretty well, and now I have a follow up interview today. Hopfully that goes well. I also have an interview for another job tomorrow.

7. I have been helping my mother out with getting her house ready to sell. It is a long, process. Especially because my sister is having her third child and my mom is going down to see her for two months. I went over there the other day and told her to tell me everything she wanted to keep and while she is gone I am going to have a garage sale and sell everything else. She will be moving in June, so I am going to take a trip south with her and help her get settled into a new place. I just hope her house sells quickly.

That is about it, I will update you as more things happen to me.......

Oh and don't worry Brian, I have been running. I did my first outside run yesterday. While it was no 100 miles in 24 hours, I thought it went pretty well. I think My goal will be a 10K by the end of the summer. Maybe 10 miles..... right now that sounds a little hard. Better keep it to a 10K and then if that happens really quickly, then 10 miles.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gosh this was a fantastic dream.

Ok, so there I was...... I don't remember too much of the begining, but I was sitting in a living room waiting for a bunch of people to return. They had gone to grab something and were taking a really long time. I was sitting there, in a recliner watching "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, I remember it was the one where the Fresh Prince and Carlton got their own apartment. Let me just state right now, I was telling some people some of the dreams that I have had and they did not believe me because there was so much detail and they didn't think it was possible to remember so much detail. Well let me tell you, I remember VIVID details of these dreams. I don't know why you can't remember your dreams, but I can remember mine. You just have to write down some of the basic plot points right when you get up and the rest will come flooding back. So everyone showed up, and I was pretending to be asleep. I am not really sure why I did this but they all ran in and someone said to be quiet because I was sleeping. I then slowly woke up and they said good because we have to go, this place has been compromised. I don't really remember who was there, but it was people I trusted apparently because I got right up and left. We were traveling through this old warehouse when all of a sudden we heard people running. It was right then that I realized we had be caught by the vampires. The vampires quickly surrounded us and handcuffed us. I said I need to use the bathroom and as one of them was leading me out the door, I hit the lights. Now this may not seem like something you would want to do when fighting vampires, but apparently they could not see and we could. I led one of them right into a hole in the floor. He fell through and was screaming in pain at the bottom of this hole. The other vampires had then turned on the lights, but not before me and a few other humans got away. One of them was steve Dunivin and he told me that we should check in the walls because sometimes there were hidden rooms in these old warehouses. So I found one of these rooms, by pushing the wall in. Inside there were tons of guns and such, but we did not have much time before one of the vampires showed up. He was a short vampire and had a green lightsaber. He was really nervous because there was a few of us and only one of him. I remember each time I moved he pointed his lightsaber at me and told me not to move, but I told him my back itched. I moved over to the corner of the wall and started scratching my back with the corner when steve yelled at the vampire, right then I came up behind the vampire and took control of his hand and made him stab himself with the lightsaber. The vampire let out a horrible noise and we knew the other vampires would come quickly. One did and steve shot it with a crossbow. The vampire had another lightsaber and someone grabbed it and brought it over to me. I asked why would I need two lightsabers and Steve said it was because I was the one who was going to fight the vampires. I told him I had no idea how to fight, especially with lightsabers. And he told me not to worry. he handed me what looked like 4 mints. He said they were an old military weapon that made you extreamly good with lightsabers. I took one and immediatly started swinging the lightsabers around. Now this is where the dream got incredible. I ran up to the vampires, who were all just hanging around on a bunch of couches and started killing them one by one with the lightsabers. I was swinging them around and stabbing people. The vampires were getting up and fighting me, but I would kick one away and then turn and slice through another one. I was unstoppable. The only thing was that the lightsabers didnt cut through the vampires right away, I had to hit them each a couple times before they would die. After they were all dead, I asked if I could keep the other 3 pills and then we headed off to start a new home base. It was ok though because apparently we had been looking for those pills for a long time and could now kill all the vampires. Thats it. Then there was a baby crying and I was awake. Oh little Eleanor.

Monday, January 24, 2011

oh these dreams I have

Ok, so in this dream I was hanging out with Ed Dunivin and Tim Philips. We were sitting at a basketball game and Tim had his fairly newborn child there. Tim had to go to the bathroom or something and told me to watch the child. I did not want to watch the child and as soon as Tim had left Owen(the baby) pooped. I didnt know what to do! So this lady in front of me said "don't worry about it." The baby had been changed, I was confused then realised that she must be witch. I asked her and she said that she was and the only reason she confided in me was because she could tell I was a wizard. I didn't believe her and she told me to do whatever I wanted. I thought of money and there was money in my hand. It was at this point that Ed said we had to go, I had to get to a doctors apointment. ...

The doctor told me I had lung cancer and I only had 2 months to live. I wasn't very worried, I was a wizard and I could probably cure myself. I tried, but could not figure out how. I ended up looking up the woman from the basketball game. She told me I could try to, but it was very hard to cure cancer. I said I wanted to and so she told me to close my eyes and think of my cancer. I did this and say a chess board. I made a move and then my queen was taken. I opened my eyes and I told the witch that my queen was taken on the first move and that wasnt fair. She told me that she told me it was hard to cure cancer. I tried a couple more times, but lost horribly. So I gave up and decided I better have the time of my life before I die. Ed and Tim both suggested we go and travel a bunch of places. We had to go talk Chris into letting Tim come with me. Chris is Tim's wife. She said that she really wanted to get some stuff done around the house. I told her no problem, and automatically did it with my wizard skills. She then got really mad and told me I cant go around doing wizard stuff, or people will find out we exist. She was a witch! She said she would like to come on our journey. I said we have to go to Japan first, because I definitly want to do that before I die.

We got to japan and realized it was China because I remembered some of the stuff we saw. I got upset because I was going to die soon. Thats all I remember......

Friday, August 6, 2010

Its been awhile.... but I had a dream

So there were a bunch of us. I can't remember everyone who was there, but these people were definitly there: Me, Ed, Larry, Kelly, Tim, Christine, Michelle, Alisha, ed and larrys cusin when he was young, erik, miriah, jacob, and some others, but I cant remember any of them. So there we were, looking through this old house for something, I don't remember what, but we all split up to go find it. I was in the basement with Larry and Kelly when Kelly moved this stone and a succubus came out. A succubus is a female demon. Anyways, this succubus took over kelly and I started to run. Larry didn't want to go, but I convinced him to on account we could not battle the succubus. We ran and got the others and ran to this other house and told everyone to hide. The whole time we were running away we could hear kelly screaming for help and Larry kept wanting to go back but we convinced him it was a trick that the succubus was playing on us to try to get us to come to her.

So everyone went to hide, ed and larrys little cusin told me that he knew a great hiding place. I told him to take me there and we went in this secret room and in that secret room was another secret door that led to a small section of the attic. I could see out a window and saw the succubus come towards the house only to be met by larry. Larry then led the succubus to an area where lots of our friends were hiding. Then the succubus led them all back to her lair. Me and eds cusin got out of the hiding spot to go see who else remained. Ed was still here and so was Jacob. Jacob then told us we could not kill the demon and that we should run for it. I figured the demon would come after us but I thought it was worth a shot. Brian and Wendy Felix then showed up and we told them the story. They said that they would love to help but had to leave in a few hours on a plane. I told them thanks and asked them if they could give us a lift to the airport, they said their car was full. The demon came back and told us that she had her fill for the day but would be back in 24 hours for the rest of us. Then I woke up.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Dream

I had a very weird dream last night.
A bunch of my friends and I were at costco, looking for something, but they were closing. They said we had to leave immediatly and that we would not want to be here in ten minutes. So naturally we stayed to see what was going to happen that was so horrible. There were still a bunch of people in there and we were thinking that it couldn't be that bad, but boy were we wrong. The metal doors shut and these dog like things started running around and attacking people, I mean, eating people alive. It was horrible, I remember larry and kelly there and kelly was screaming but me and larry were trying to calm her down so she would not attract the dog things. Larry ended up grabbing her neck and making her fall asleep somehow. We decided the best thing to do was to fight these things and a bunch of us remaining people got together and found weapons. I had a metal pipe and we would just kill any of them that came our way. We stayed there for a long time until erik peterson drove past in fork-lift, a bunch of us jumped on and erik blasted through the doors. Outside there were a bunch of military people and they started shooting up costco. It was then that I realized that I was the only one still on the forklift with erik, everyone else had fallen off.
Erik said I could come stay with him for the night, but him and mariah were staying at Rikki ruby's house. I told him I didn't feel very comfortable with that but he assured me it would be ok. So I went there and it was a huge house, with many rooms. David Peterson was there and said I could stay with him in a room. So we were sitting there when there was a loud noise from outside. I opened the door and saw rikki running towards me and she screamed "get down!" I fell to the ground right as a hatchet stuck in my door. Rikki was wearing this really nice dress and she was followed by a guy in a really nice suit. He said "I almost got you!" and laughed as he walked away. I then realized that it was about 4 in the morning and I had to work in the morning. Rikki tried to get me to play whatever game they were playing but I said no and went back to my room to go to bed. It was 4:30 the last time I looked at my clock. I woke up and looked at my clock..... guess what time it was? 6:30. I bet you thought I was going to say 4:30. man I got you so bad!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Whats up with Adam?

So just a little update on where I am at right now.

Larry and Kelly just bought a house, Ed and I moved in. Just moved a bunch of my stuff in yesterday, and I slept there last night. I slept on the floor, it was alright but it will be much better with a bed. My room is pretty sweet. Living with Paul was fun, but I did not like living downtown very much. It only took me six minutes to get to work this morning and when the ice is gone I can just ride my bike to work, that will cut down on gas by a ton. Anyways, new house should be fun, its got a big deck and a hot tub. I hate hot tubs though, I don't like being hot. So work is going well, gave a presentation on Wednesday, it went very well. Job is still pretty easy and a little boring but oh well. I have all I need, except some sort of loveseat to put in front of my tv.

Other than that, just been hanging out and working. The workouts are going well. I just benched 300 pounds which is the most I have ever lifted. I haven't lost any weight, which is weird because I definitly feel better. Still looking for Mrs. Right. haven't found her yet, there are a few places I haven't looked yet. I will keep you updated.

My sis is going to move here in a few months, which will be really fun because she has two boys that I have not got to see very much.

Something I have recently started doing is reading the Harry Potter books. I must say that I am loving them. Its fun to escape to a magical world every now and then. so far the books are just great. Me and David have a harry potter club we started. its pretty rad. My favorite characters are Fred and George Weasley. Which I didnt really care about all too much in the movies but I freakin love em in the books. Well, hope this gives you an update.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Neither one worked........Dangit.